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Terms and Conditions


Plant health, identification, and quality


The plants available here are high-quality, nursery propagated stock. They will be shipped bare root, or wrapped in a bit of sphagnum. While most bare-root plants can experience some stress in shipment, many of the Draculas and Masdevallias that I receive from my supplier are so robust they can set spike within weeks of arrival. Some that arrive with spikes can even continue to bloom off them. However, no warranty, expressed or implied, is given for the success of the plants you receive.  Sometimes plants come with nice spikes but in order to ship them I have to sacrifice the blooms.  


I cannot guarantee correct identification of plants as I am not involved in that part of the process, and the vagaries of taxonomy leave some IDs controversial. That, from my perspective at least, is part of the fun of orchid growing - once in a while a plant will be different from what is expected. There are circumstances where I would consider exchanging a mislabeled plant for a correct one, though, especially if it was an expensive rarity that turned into something common.  So please ask and we'll discuss this possibility.


Once plants leave my hands in good condition, it's up to you to keep them that way! I am not responsible for your growing conditions or your success with whatever you attempt to grow. If something fails to meet your expectations shortly (within 10 days) after you receive it, we can make arrangements for you to return the plant and I'll replace it or refund your money at my discretion. However, this is dependent upon your timely receipt of the plants and exclusive of all shipping mishaps (lost or delayed shipment, bad weather, Acts of God, etc). If you do not immediately unpack and care for your plants when they arrive at your shipping address, I can't be held responsible for their loss. It is also up to you to provide accurate shipping information so the package is not delayed. You have the option of shipping the package insured, or asking for a specific carrier if you don't like or trust USPS Priority Mail. Plants not insured travel at the buyer's risk.  After several mix-ups (including some that were fully my fault), I no longer offer pick up/delivery for customers in the Bay Area.  All plants will be shipped to their final destination regardless of how close you live to me.   It becomes too much of a scheduling hassle to arrange pick ups/deliveries.


In any circumstance, my liability will not exceed the purchase price of the involved plants.






Payment is either via check or money order made out to Colombian Orchid Imports and sent to 1919 41st Ave, San Francisco, CA 94116, or via debit/credit/PayPal using the link in the electronic invoice I send you.


Orders that are not paid for, in full, within one week of the order deadline will be excluded from the order.


Payment is only refundable under three circumstances: Your plants fail to arrive in the shipment, you request the order be canceled (or make revisions to the order that warrant a refund) PRIOR to the order deadline, or I determine there is a mitigating reason to issue a refund.


Payment is NOT refundable for any of the following reasons: 1. You decide you no longer want the plants after the deadline has passed. 2. The order is delayed and does not come in at a time that is convenient for you. 3. You travel, move, or change e-mail addresses and don't let me know in advance and thereby fail to take delivery on the plants. 4. You fail to take prompt delivery of the plants when they arrive for any reason, including not checking your e-mail adequately.

The plants are bare root, remember, and need your TLC ASAP! Thus it is imperative that you take delivery on the plants as soon as I have them available.



Unfortunately due to increasing overhead costs I am no longer able to offer discounts for quantity purchases.


Shipping method


I will ship via USPS second-day Priority Mail unless you instruct otherwise. Typically you will be billed 15% of the order total for shipping and handling, with a minimum shipping and handling charge of $12. I will arbitrarily increase the shipping cost for plants that I know are large, heavy, or otherwise difficult to box in a compact fashion.  I will let you know if I think this is the case. Once plants get to be the size of Sobralias or Elleanthus, shipping charges can be in excess of $70 simply due to the dimensions of the box needed to encase the plants.  I will also arbitrarily decrease the shipping cost if I know what you ordered is small and doesn't justify a 15% shipping fee.   


Sometimes the 15% estimate for shipping, or my guesstimate for large plants, ends up being significantly higher than the actual shipping costs.  I will return shipping charges to you that are in gross excess of the actual boxing, shipping, and handling expenses.


Since San Francisco rarely has lethal heat or freezing cold, I will hold plants if it is necessary to protect them from any excessive weather you are having IF YOU INSTRUCT ME TO DO SO. If I don't hear otherwise from you when I send you notification that the plants are ready to ship, the plants will ship.


Sales tax


Customers that take delivery on plants in the state of California will be charged California sales tax.  The only exception is if you have a reseller's license. Otherwise, if you don't like roads, emergency services, health care for your elders, state parks, etc., take that up with your congressional representation, not me.  

© 2019 by Colombian Orchid Imports. Nimbly created with

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